It is widely recognized that water and particulate contamination can degrade critical physical properties of hydraulic fluid and lead to premature wear as well as possible malfunction of hydraulic system components.
Datasheet: Pall® HSPA Hydraulic Fluid Purifier for Aircraft Maintenance

Marine Fluid Purifiers

Portable Fluid Purifiers

HNP023 Series Oil Purifier

HNP076 Series Oil Purifier

Mobile Water Purification Units
Marine Fluid Purifiers
Application: Commercial Marine Vessels, Naval Submarines, Naval Surface Ships
The Pall purifier solves the problem and unlike centrifuges and coalescers, it removes both FREE and DISSOLVED water. The HNP006++YK30 variant was specifically designed to be installed on ships.
Portable Fluid Purifiers
Application: Commercial Fixed Wing, Commerial Rotary Wing, Military Fixed Wing, Military Rotary Wing
The Pall fluid purifier provides a portable, environmentally friendly solution to remove free and dissolved water, gases, solvents, and particulate contamination, and thus extend fluid and component life. It also improves system performance and responsiveness.
HNP023 Series Oil Purifier
Application: Commercial Fixed Wing, Commerial Rotary Wing, Military Fixed Wing, Military Rotary Wing
The Pall HNP023 Series Oil purifier is designed for use with small to medium oil systems, particularly where high viscosity fluids are employed, and can effectively remove 26 liters of water per day from the oil*. The purifier uses vacuum dehydration to remove 100 % free water and as much as 90 % of dissolved water. It will also remove 100 % of free and entrained gases and up to 80 % dissolved gases.
HNP076 Series Oil Purifier
Application: Commercial Fixed Wing, Commerial Rotary Wing, Military Fixed Wing, Military Rotary Wing
Water contamination promotes corrosion and fluid system component wear, resulting in reduced component life and increased maintenance costs. It also degrades fluid properties, leading to reduced lubricity and load carrying ability, oil oxidation and the resultant formation of acids, and additive precipitation. The consequences are reduced fluid service life and increased fluid procurement and disposal costs.
Mobile Water Purification Units
Application: Military and Civil
Relief agencies, military defence forces and ship operators have a need to be able to produce potable water from virtually any raw water source.
Pall Corporation has developed a range of mobile, fully self contained, water treatment systems designed to produce potable water from fresh, brackish and sea water sources.
The systems have an output capacity ranging from 20 to 3500 m3/day with a proven performance in demanding applications including disaster relief operations in Indonesia and New Zealand.