The importance of fluid condition monitoring for the maritime industry


Monitoring the fluid quality is crucial for the protection and reliability of ships systems, such as hydraulic and lubrication systems, that can be sensitive to solid and liquid contaminants.


Pall's solutions for fluid condition monitoring: Pall offers a wide range of devices for monitoring fluid condition, allowing ship operators to measure key performance indicators such as particulate contamination, water content, and differential pressure.


The importance of fluid condition monitoring for the maritime industry

  • Particle Counter

  • Water Sensor

  • Differential Pressure Indicators

  • The PCM500 Cleanliness Monitor is a portable diagnostic monitoring device that uses mesh blockage technology to report accurate, reliable, 3 part ISO cleanliness codes for most types of mineral, synthetic, and water based fluids, in all types of environments.
  • Unlike laser counters, the results are unaffected by the presence of water, air, or if the fluid is dark in colour
  • Get results in under 6 minutes, helping the crew to monitor fluid quality efficiently and to take preventative action quickly.
  • Upload real-time results directly to mobile devices for analysis and action.
  • PCM5000 can also be hired for from our Rentals and Services group.


Measurement of particulate contamination


MethodOn-line CapacityAfftection by air and water bubblesAffection by Dark colorsParticle shape recognition PortabilityPrinciple
Optical Particle Count MonitorYNNNYLaser/Light extinction
Optical particle Count SensorYNNNNLaser/Light extinction
Mesh blockage Cleanliness MonitorYYYNYMesh Blockage
Optical particle Count Monitor DI ProcessingYYNYYImage Processing
Optical Particle Count Sensor DI processingYYNYNImage Processing
Y - EffectiveN - Uneffective


  • Pall Water sensors (fixed and portable designs) measure water content as a reading of % saturation of the oil.
  • This method (rather than parts per million PPM) provides a better measure of how close the water content is to the formation of free water in the fluid and the potential for a detrimental impact. For more information, please refer water content
  • Sensors can be supplied with or without user interface or as a hand-held mobile device for use in multiple on and off-site environments.


  • Pall differential pressure indicators signal the need for filter element change by sensing the differential pressure between ports upstream and downstream of the filter element. They connect to the Deltadyne device port available on Pall filter housings.
  • Pall filter blocked indicators are available in a wide range of indicating formats including mechanical or illuminated visual, 4-20mA signal, and with a range of connector types.

Contact our filtration experts below to discuss the right fluid monitoring solutions for your needs.