Pall’s Advanced Liquid/Liquid Coalescers
Ensure your final products meet high quality standards while protecting your equipment
Each year refineries, gas processing plants, and petrochemical plants around the world spend millions of dollars to maintain their operations. Maintenance cycles are shorter than they should be. Operating costs are higher than necessary. And unscheduled shutdowns are more frequent than they should be. All of this costs plants millions of dollars in lost production and downtime.
Don’t worry. Pall is here to help. Through our advanced liquid/liquid separation technology we’re able to prevent a variety of problems before they become even bigger problems and lead to costly shutdowns. If you experience any of the symptoms below, chances are Pall has a solution to help. Our solutions are proven to help reduce process costs and ensure on-spec final product.
- Hazy product (not clear and bright)
- Sodium levels in gasoline above 1 ppm
- High solvent losses downstream of liquid/liquid extraction units
- High caustic carryover from gasoline, LPG or kerosene treating units
- Carryover of amine in LPG
- Oil and hydrocarbon in water and other aqueous streams
Pall’s products are used throughout the world to meet the needs of its customers. Find out more about our AquaSep® Plus and PhaseSep® liquid/liquid coalescers and how they can improve your process by downloading our product brochure.

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For over 30 years, Pall has been a global leader in high-tech filtration, separation, and purification, serving the diverse needs of customers across the refinery segment.
From the treatment of your incoming plant water through the production of your final product, Pall can help your refinery improve fluid quality and, ultimately, increase profitability. Our products and services are developed specifically for the downstream operations of hydrocarbon processors and help maximize the performance of processing equipment to accomplish high efficiency and economics of operation.