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Beer Clarification

Beer Clarification

Providing taste, clarity and improved shelf life of beer

Why is beer clarification important?


Beer filtration and beer clarification is a key process step in beer production. Ensuring that the main quality features for beer as product occurrence, taste stability, brilliance, haze and shelf life.


Clarification by Crossflow membrane filtration


During the last 10 years the technologies in use for beer filtration and clarification have changed from old style kieselguhr to modern type beer crossflow membrane filtration. With the change major advantages are achieved.


Pall Crossflow membrane systems for beer filtration and clarification provide breweries today with a sustainable process that keeps the beer characteristics unchanged from keg to keg and bottle to bottle. High operational safety combined with lowest operation cost allow reliable beer filtration and clarification for any type of beer and any size of brewery.

Learn About Our PROFi Crossflow Membrane System For Beer Clarification


The Pall PROFi crossflow membrane system is a modern beer filtration and clarification solution, which combines the advantages from centrifugation and crossflow membrane filtration into one process.


The Pall patented PROFi process is designed for zero operator automation, continuous or batch operation, speed and flexibility at brand changes with very little beer losses. The modular block design maximizes product security, cleaning effectiveness and utility usage.


IoT in the beer making process

The implementation of IoT in the beer-making process supports transforming the industry towards sustainable and cost-effective production. With IoT based digitalization in filtration and stabilization, breweries can optimize processes, automate machine learning, and manage data for reporting, traceability, and analysis.


But IoT users have one primary concern in common – data security. Pall values data security as the highest priority and proactively takes all the necessary steps to remain best-in-class. Therefore, it is essential that the latest state-of-the-art technology protects brewery data with penetration tests and code scanning exercises to continuously identify risks and takes the necessary actions to ensure brewery data remains where it’s needed.


Through Pall BeerIoT, brewers can optimize their operations, improve sustainability and quality initiatives, and improve their OpEx.

PROFi IoT for beer clarificationTo gain maximum advantage from the data generated by a PROFi control system Pall implemented IoT-based real-time data management with constant access to valuable information across the organization in user-defined formats. The ability to benchmark against other installations within a brewery group and against the industry average is also available.
Examples of digital data analytics are
  • Specific consumption data: water, cleaning agents, electricity, membranes
  • Performance data: degree of utilization, efficiency, and downtimes
  • Quality data: oxygen uptake, color, original extract and haze
  • Notifications, alarms and messages
Documentation and service dataPall IoT provides direct online availability of all system-specific documentation and training documents, spare parts lists, service reports, operating instructions, safety instructions and acceptance reports.


Looking for something else? Discover other beer filtration solutions here:

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