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Protect the Quality of Your Brew: Lenticular Filtration Options for Craft Breweries

Protect the Quality of Your Brew: Lenticular Filtration Options for Craft Breweries


Duration: 33 minutes


The popularity of lenticular filters has grown in the craft brewing industry due to its advantages of quality, practicality, ease of use, flexibility and affordability when compared to other filtration methods.


Especially for wider distribution as a brewery grows, efficient filtration offers many benefits. Lenticular filtration is a simple way to improve product quality and stability, preserving the unique taste and flavor of each product in the marketplace.


Kelly Bebee

Scientist/Laboratory Lead, Scientific and Laboratory Services (SLS)

Pall Corporation


Kelly started working with Pall Corporation in 2007 in the Microbiology Laboratory. In 2012 she joined Pall Corporation’s Food and Beverage Division. Throughout this time, she has had the good fortune to work with many breweries across North America in supporting their laboratory and filtration needs. She has achieved certifications from Siebel Institute of Technology in brewing, Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) in spirits, and Court of Master Sommeliers America in wine. Kelly currently resides with her husband and two Boston Terriers in New York.

Brett Kosmicki

Founders Brewing Company

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